
D7.2: Interim report and catalogue of EOSC skills training and educational materials

This report provides an overview of the current work of the EOSCpilot Skills and Capacity workpackage (WP7). This includes an update of the EOSCpilot Skills Framework, which is used to categorise, assess and catalogue training resources. Three topics are addressed as a result:

First, the design and implications for the EOSCpilot Skills Framework with regard to requirements of service providers and different target groups.

Status: Approved by the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d7.2.pdf

D7.3: Skills and Capability Framework

The report offers a Framework to help organisations to plan the professional development of their staff, as EOSC service operators or users, and for any individual to identify competences and learning materials that match the capabilities they need. It provides a set of core competences for data stewardship, relating topics to recommended expertise levels for researchers and the professional groups that support them. The Framework also offers examples of capability and competence statements, focusing these on skills areas that we have identified as gaps for stakeholders.

- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d7.3.pdf

D7.4: Report on Training Workshops

This report documents the delivery and outcomes of the four main WP7 training events held between November 2017 and August 2018. Three were consultative workshops targeting trainers in the Research Infrastructure community and coordinators of research data management services in Institutions. The fourth was the GridKa School 2018, which offered the opportunity to test the applicability of the Skills Framework developed in WP7 to a broad data science training curriculum.

- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot_d7.4_submitted.pdf

D7.5: Strategy for Sustainable Development of Skills and Capabilities

This report summarises the outcomes, recommendations and conclusions of the EOSCpilot WP7 on Skills and Capability. The emerging EOSC ecosystem provides the context for a focus on developing the data stewardship skills of researchers and professional groups supporting research, including data stewards themselves. The report sets these against the broader landscape, with a brief recap and update of related skills initiatives. It then offers a strategy comprising two main aspects.

- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d7.5-v1.1.pdf

D8.1: EOSC Web Portal (initial version)

This document contains a description of the EOSCpilot website, which has been launched in M2, February 2017. The website is available at: and it is maintained by the task leaders of subtask 8.2.1, Web portal & Branding, TRUST-IT.
The document also outlines the internal web platform and mailing lists, used by the consortium members to communicate and manage project documentation.

Status: Approved by the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d8.1.pdf

D8.3: Dissemination & Communication Materials

Dissemination activities are considered of primary importance for the EOSCpilot Consortium since only if the achieved results are widely communicated to the public, the impact of the project can be meaningful.

Status: Approved by the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d8.3.pdf

D8.5: EOSC Stakeholder Engagement Report

This document reports on the engagement activities undertaken in the EOSCpilot project and highlights good examples of engagement per stakeholder category. Intentional overlaps exist in certain categories, because a need for interconnection and active dialogue between stakeholder categories was identified early on as a significant issue for successful engagement.

- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d8.5-v1.1.pdf
