2nd EOSCpilot Governance Development Forum workshop Agenda

Deadline for registration: Monday, September 25 - UPDATE: Registration is now closed. For late registration please send an email at egdf-secretariat@eoscpilot.eu

Workshop day 1 - Tallinn Hall M- 218, Mare building, Uus-Sadama 5

12:30 – 13:00 Registration
13:00 – 13:15

Welcome and introduction to EOSCpilot activities on governance

Presenter: Per Öster, EOSCpilot WP2 governance leader, CSC – IT Center for Science

13:15 – 14:30 Session: Governance framework for EOSC
13:15 – 13:35

Presentation of the draft Governance framework - Download presentation

Presenter: Matthew Dovey, JISC

13:35 – 14:30

Panel discussion: Member states’ role and engagement in the EOSC governance framework

Chair: Leif Laaksonen, CSC – IT center for Science
Panelists: Toivo Räim, Estonia; Gabriele Von Voigt, Germany; Françoise Genova, France; Hanifeh Khayyeri, Sweden;
Juan Miguel González-Aranda, Spain; Ivan Maric, Croatia.

Objective: The EOSC and EOSC governance are being designed at the moment. In the EOSCpilot governance development forum activities we aim to have representatives of all stakeholder groups on board in the discussion and definition of how the EOSC should be governed. In this panel we have invited national e-IRG delegates, representatives of member states and advisors to the ministry to take part in the debate and plan of the future EOSC. The panelists will give their feedback and views on the draft EOSC governance framework under work by EOSCpilot and bring to the panel their experience and expertise and share the discussions and views about EOSC in their countries and in the context they are working in.

14:30 – 14:45 Coffee break
14:45 – 16:00 Session: Principles of engagement for users and service providers
14:45 – 15:00

Presentation of the draft Principles of Engagement

Presenter: Andrew Smith, Elixir Europe

15:00 – 16:00

Panel discussion: Principles of engagement for EOSC from users’ and service providers’ point of view - Download presentation

Chair: Andrew Smith, Elixir Europe
Yannick Legré, EGI.eu; Ari Asmi University of Helsinki and ICOS ERIC; Damien Lecarpentier, EUDAT; Bob Jones, CERN; Françoise Genova, Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre CDS

Objective: This panel will contribute to a task that is under work in EOSCpilot to investigate and analyze the organizational principles of Engagement for scientific users (organizational level) and service providers in the EOSC. There are legal/financial/ethical and other organizational aspects that could become barriers for participation – using or providing services - in the EOSC. A major objective of this task is to identify conflicting organizational principles of Engagement between stakeholders. As a result recommendations for a minimum defined set of principles and practices for EOSC participation and function. In the panel panelists representing scientists and service providers will discuss their expectations towards the EOSC, how access to services is organized at the moment and which kind of issues /barriers they would identify in using foreseen EOSC services.

19:00 Dinner at F-Hoone, Telliskivi 60, 10412 Tallinn


Workshop day 2 - University assembly hall T324 (Terra building, Narva mnt 25)

09:00 – 10:00

Introduction to EOSCpilot project and topical activities in the area of EOSC - Download presentation

Presenter: Juan Bicarregui, EOSCpilot coordinator, Science and Technology Facilities Council

10:00 – 10:30

e-IRG Infrastructure Commons and interoperability and integration: lessons learnt - Download presentation

Presenter: Arjen van Rijn, Nikhef

10:30 – 11:30

Shaping together the EOSC service architecture and service portfolio

Objective: The session provides an opportunity to the audience to contribute to the definition of the EOSC service architecture and service portfolio management. During the session the EOSCpilot early results will be presented and feedback will be collected from the audience on various open challenges.

10:30 – 11:30

EOSC service architecture - Download presentation

Presenter: Sergio Andreozzi, EGI.eu

11:00 – 11:30

EOSC service portfolio management - Download presentation

Presenter: Jan Bot, SURFSara

11:30 – 12:00

Discussion and wrap up - Download presentation

Chair: Saara Kontro, CSC – IT Center for Science

12:00 Lunch for EOSCpilot and e-IRG workshop participants at Astra building atrium, Narva road 29
13:00 Start of e-IRG workshop