
D4.2: Science Demonstrator Selection Process

The selected Science Demonstrators will represent a broad range of scientific activities that will provide requirements for the infrastructure and will help in evaluating the services offered by the EOSCpilot.
Five initial Science Demonstrators were selected during the preparation of the EOSCpilot project proposal. The objective of this deliverable is to define a process and criteria that will be used to select the ten additional Science Demonstrators that will be run within the project. To define the selection process and criteria, we considered the objectives of the Science Demonstrators, the principles in which the selection process will be based and the minimum necessary staff to run the selection process.

Status: Approved by the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d4.2.pdf

D4.3: Consolidated Science Demonstrator progress report

The Science Demonstrators play an essential role as early adopters of EOSC from a range of science areas. Their input is used to drive and prioritize the integration of the EOSC services in a common homogeneous platform.  To achieve this goal, a selection process for Science Demonstrators through Open Calls has been developed, followed by the execution of two Open Calls. Following five initial pre-selected Science Demonstrators, ten additional Science Demonstrators have been selected through two rounds of scientific and technical review processes.

Status: Approved by the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d4.3.pdf

D4.4: Consolidated Science Demonstrator evaluation report

The Science Demonstrators play an essential role as early adopters of EOSC from a range of science areas. Their input is used to drive and prioritize the integration of the EOSC services in a common homogeneous platform.

- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot_d4.4_consolidated_science_demonstrator_evaluation_report.pdf

D5.1: Initial EOSC Service Architecture

EOSC is expected to be “a federated, globally accessible, multidisciplinary environment where researchers, innovators, companies and citizens can publish, find, use and reuse each other's data, tools, publications and other outputs for research, innovation and educational purposes”.

Status: Approved by the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d5.1.pdf

D5.2: EOSC Service Portfolio

This document represents the work done by WP5.2 in the first year of the EOSCpilot project. It presents an analysis of the service landscape in Europe, the service portfolio management methodologies employed by a number of e-infrastructure providers and puts forward a proposal of how service portfolio management can be accomplished in the EOSC. This work is an intermediary result and aims to facilitate discussion on what EOSC aims to be and the methodology to get there.

Status: Approved by the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d5.2.pdf

D5.3: EOSC Federated Service Management Framework

The objective of this deliverable is to lay out the foundation of a common service management framework for all the services that are being provided under EOSC umbrella. The task of bringing together all meaningful services into a common, federated framework is far from being trivial as services tend to be very heterogeneous and to be managed very differently, following different service management practices and standards, as highlighted previously in D5.2 EOSC Service Portfolio.

- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d5.3.pdf

D5.4: Final EOSC Service Architecture

This deliverable briefly highlights major contextual aspects already introduced in D5.1 and then describes the identified classes of services. The deliverable also discusses aspects related to “how” the system can/should be developed. The notions of “federation” and “interoperability” related to the building of this EOSC System are addressed highlighting the importance of dealing with these two concepts per-single service rather than from the perspective of EOSC as a whole.

- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot_d5.4-v1.1.pdf

D5.5: EOSC Service Portfolio Roadmap

This document lists high level service capabilities that should be part of the EOSC Service Portfolio offering.

- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d5.5-v1.1.pdf

D5.6: Evaluation report of service pilots

The overall objectives of this report are to:

  1. Summarise the activities undertaken, and the available solutions and services that have been used by the Science Demonstrators to implement the pilot services.
  2. Evaluate the cross-infrastructure usage and user experience through the executed service pilots.
  3. Highlight best practices and lessons learned.
  4. Drive and prioritise the integration of solutions and/or services to meet the functional and

    non-functional requirements requested by the Science Demonstrators.

- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d5.6-v1.1-submitted2.pdf

D6.10: Final Interoperability Testbed Report

This document provides the final status of the interoperability testbeds, the activities undertaken and the services deployed, together with the description of the results achieved. It contains the final recommendations regarding the challenges encountered, with particular focus on the interoperability aspects.

- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

PDF icon eoscpilot-d6.10-v1.3.pdf
