2nd ASTERICS/OBELICS Workshop - Astronomy & Astroparticle Physics assets in building the European Open Science Cloud

20 Dec 2017

2nd ASTERICS/OBELICS Workshop - Astronomy & Astroparticle Physics assets in building the European Open Science Cloud

Goal and objectives


The 2nd ASTERICS – OBELICS workshop took place at Casa Convalescència, Barcelona from the 16th to the 18th of October 2017, organised by the French CNRS LAPP laboratory, and hosted locally by the Institute for High Energy Physics of Barcelona, one of the ASTERICS’ partners.


The 2nd day of the ASTERICS-second OBELICS workshop 2017 was dedicated to building bridges between ESFRI projects, concerned scientific communities, e-infrastructures, and further consortia, and to call them to action for the implementation of the EOSC for data interoperability in the astrophysics related disciplines.


Members of the EOSC community such as EOSCpilot, EOSChub ,EOSC HLEG representatives and ESFRI projects presented their key capabilities and explored possible commonalities and synergies between the two communities.


Takeaway messages


EOSC vision

EOSC could be defined as a system of systems made of existing and emerging RIs, e infrastructure, data repositories, registries etc. The system of systems approach should present certain features; the most important one is that EOSC will maintain an Operational and managerial independence. EOSC is not going to take over an existing infrastructure but to add value to it.



The ESFRI community can actively support EOSC by leading synergies and cluster actions such as H2020-ASTERICS for the EOSC implementation in terms of identifying common and coordinated approach to access HPC and open science resources.


Furthermore, the ESFRI communities can play an active role in the EOSC cross-disciplinary research challenge by bringing researchers and scientist towards a common ground where they can work together and find solutions/services that can be used across different communities, in order to increase data interoperability and software reuse.


Call for actions

  • EOSC should be a framework to bring together software tools, services, communities. EOSC should be sufficiently open to accept solutions developed or adopted or pre evaluated in the Cluster activities or other communities.
  • EOSC should provide data-computing interoperability mechanisms to allow processing on archived data at the archive location (data centre).
  • ESFRI should be considered as a building block towards the EOSC development in terms of FAIR data principles and software reuse.
  • Through H2020 ASTERICS project, Astronomy and Astrophysics community can provide valuable inputs towards the EOSC implementation in terms of cross domain interoperability