D7.1: Skills landscape analysis and competence model

15 Sep 2017

D7.1: Skills landscape analysis and competence model

The report provides an analysis of EOSC stakeholder policy priorities for skills development, identifying these with data stewardship, a broad set of skills covering open science, data management, data science and engineering.  Current professional development training is analysed by provider, with these including research infrastructures, e-infrastructures and a broad range of related initiatives, identifying the topical scope, nature of the events and materials involved. Drawing its scope from policy priorities the report also surveys relevant competence frameworks, and skills needs identified so far in EOSCpilot, including those from the first four active Science Demonstrator sub-projects. Informed by those needs, Section 6 provides a draft EOSCpilot competence framework, the first part of the skills framework. Conclusions for further engagement with stakeholders in skills development.  These include the initial scope of training infrastructure, to catalogue existing provision and deliver events and materials to EOSCpilot users


Status: Approved by the European Commission

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