This week's internal newsletter provides updates on activities carried out by WP1, WP2, WP3, WP7 & WP8. Topics covered include an update of the ongoing work on Deliverables, the Plenary meeting in Pisa and Mid-term Review as well as Communication and Website management.
WP1 - Management
- Working with all partners to prepare the 1st Year annual report of the project.
- The EXC has been working to prepare the agenda for the project All-Hands Plenary Meeting to be held on 6-9 March in Pisa; please register here if you are planning to attend.
- Preparing for the Midway Review of the project which will take place on 12 March.
- Preparations are being made for a grant amendment to bring in new partners for Science Demonstrators.
- STFC is organising a BoF on Global Open Data Commons at the RDA plenary meeting in Berlin in March.
WP2 - Governance
- Task 2.1 Planning started for completing the final stakeholder map (D2.7 Sep 2018).
- Task 2.5 Governance framework piloting:
o Gathering input on draft rules of engagement and draft governance framework for the Governance Piloting Workshop to be held on 25 February in Porto
o Next activities are under planning (proposed activities such as BOF at RDA plenary and TNC session (GÉANT conference) rejected.
- Next upcoming deliverables in June:
o D2.4 Recommendations and prerequisites to be realised;
o EOSC as a sustainable ecosystem;
o D2.5 Principles of Engagement (currently in preparation, preliminary findings have been delivered to the EC EOSC Team for commenting).
- Joint WP2 and WP3 session planned for the EOSCpilot plenary to harmonise the Governance Framework, Principles of Engagement, Policy Recommendations, and Open Science Monitor specifications.
- Joint WP2, WP3 and WP8 session at EOSCpilot plenary on Stakeholder mapping and Engagment.
- WP2 will continue with weekly meetings during 2018.
WP3 - Policy
- Work started for T3.1 towards Deliverable D3.3 (Draft Policy Recommendations). The Task holds weekly working meetings. In addition, two dedicated sessions were held to discuss identified policy issues. The methodology of the work has been agreed with February being used for policy issue identification and initial drafting of policy recommendations within the four sub-tasks of Open Science, Data Protection, Procurement and Ethics. March will be used for scheduling policy interviews.
- In Task 3.2, Deliverable D3.2 (Open Science Monitor) is in draft form and the definition and specification of the Open Science Toolkit and Registry have been agreed. Ready for work to begin in March.
- A WP3 All Hands meeting was held on 31 January, which provided progress updates to participants. Various proposed plenary sessions which will involve WP3 were discussed.
- Planning for the WP3 policy session at the Plenary is in progress.
WP7 - Skills
- WP7 activity over the past few weeks has been primarily directed at 2 public workshops (at the EUDAT and IDCC) conferences. At this stage of the work of the EOSCPilot, we are now primarily seeking validation of the work done on the definition of competences and skills acquisition rather than seeking new input. We are, however, still seeking input from partners about current training provision or material such as online tutorials. We know that the picture we have at present is incomplete.
- Presently looking to ensure effective follow-on with projects such as EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE-Advance and those that will be funded in calls later this year with a strong skills component.
- As with all other WPs, effort is being devoted to the P1 report and to planning for joint sessions at the all-hands meeting next month.
WP8 - Engagement and Communication
- New Science Demonstrators sections has been added on the website. The Science Demonstrators will be grouped by topic addressed just like in the EOSCpilot Booklet
- All hands meeting - Pisa. Working on structuring the meeting into three parallel sessions.
- Close interaction with other WPs representatives is required to coordinate stakeholder engagement activities.
- New section on Governance published online here.
- New sections on WP3,WP5,WP6 and WP7 to be added to website by early next week.