Governments, Funders, Industry (co-organized by EOSCpilot and Science Europe)

28 Nov 2017

Governments, Funders, Industry (co-organized by EOSCpilot and Science Europe)

Session organisers


Description of the session

Each session aims to engage participants by letting them interact as much as possible with each other. One or more session organisers will have 5-10min to set the scene and explain the format of the session. Participants in the room will be given three topics/questions and will be divided in small groups.

The questions will be specifically tailored and relevant to the interests of each stakeholder group.

Each group will be composed of 5-8 people at most. Each group will have to self-appoint a moderator and note taker. The session organiser will time the discussion and every 15-20min ask the groups to address a new topic. To facilitate the work of the moderators and keep the discussion focused the audience may be asked to answer multiple-choice questions, use sticky notes or other techniques.

At the end of the session the organiser will get short summary and notes from the moderators/rapporteurs. A short summary will feed back to the Wrap-up session that closes the day.



Introduction - Natalia Manola (EOSCpilot/OpenAIRE) and Stephan Kuster (Science Europe) 10 mins

Questions for breakout tables - 60 mins

Each group will respond to questions on a specific topic: policies, services or industry involvement. Each group will be given a set of 3-4 questions, including the vision and governance sections.

Wrap-up - Presentation of key points from each group - 15 mins




  • What is EOSC for you?
  • Name three characteristics of EOSC that will make the difference from what we have today
  • How open should EOSC be? How can EOSC influence the openness and fairness of data and services


  • How open should EOSC be?
  • How could an alignment of RDM policies (e.g. on Open Data principles, as one prerequisite for the effective reuse of research data across the EOSC) be facilitated while at the same time respecting discipline-specific needs/requirements?
  • How could the FAIR principles be implemented at project-level, and how should RFOs support this process?



  • What type of services do you see as core for EOSC to take off and be operational?
  • What type of services do you see as commodities? Any examples?
  • How do you envision these services to be coordinated in EOSC?
  • Rules of Engagement for service providers: loose or strict?  
  • Should we have regulation and certification of services? If yes, at what level and in what depth?
  • Can you provide some examples? If yes, which are the bodies to develop and carry these?



  • How do you see the EOSC services being funded?
  • To what extent will your organization fund provision/use of commercial services?
  • What are the conditions for doing so (e.g., procurement at which level)?
  • How can the given (and diverse) funding options (i.e. short-term vs. long-term, project-based funding vs. investment in more permanent structures/services) be utilized in a complementary way in order to set up the different EOSC components?
  • How (according to which criteria) should data infrastructures/services be selected for long-term investments?


Public-private collaboration

  • What are the measures we need to take in EOSC to facilitate interaction and knowledge transfer between the public and the private sector?
  • What are the priorities (policies, services, other) in order to develop a trusted data/service spaces/environment? What are the means to achieve this?
  • What is the role of industry in the EOSC governance?


Governance and structure

  • How could a science-led implementation of the EOSC be ensured (at least after the ramp-up phase)?
  • What should be guiding principles regarding the EOSC governance (e.g. separation between (a) regulatory and budgetary oversight by EC/MS and (b) technical implementation by stakeholders)?
  • How could European and national e-RIs (like the planned National Research Data Infrastructure in many European countries) and/or European disciplinary networks interact in a strategic, and coherent but also flexible manner?