OSFAIR 2017 - How FAIR Friendly is your data catalogue? Exposing FAIR data in EOSC

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03 Oct 2017

OSFAIR 2017 - How FAIR Friendly is your data catalogue? Exposing FAIR data in EOSC

Research communities and specially research infrastructures are making a concerted effort to homogenize, collect their (meta)data and publish them in the open through community specific data catalogues. This is a good start towards making data FAIR, but how can we ensure availability of domain specific FAIR data and data-analysis services through a common virtual research environment like the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)? From vertical domains (e.g., research infrastructures) to horizontal approaches (e.g., OpenAIRE, DataCite) which cover national settings and libraries/repositories, we see different content, data models, interfaces, frameworks, architectures and vocabularies being used.


The EOSCpilot data interoperability task aims to establish principles, propose recommendations and demonstrate how FAIR data hosted by domain specific data repositories and catalogues can be exposed to EOSC to be used and reused by EOSC services, repositories and users.


Goal, objectives and structure
The workshop had the goal to provide an update of the activities of the EOSCpilot data interoperability working group and engage different stakeholders to shape the work of this group.  This workshop was a follow-up of the BlueBridge workshop held on April 3 at the RDA meeting. The workshop was structured into two sessions. In session 1 scene setting presentations on EOSC were followed by short presentations by eight data catalogues representing subject-specific and generic systems and a review of a previous meeting. Prior to this workshop the organisers conducted a survey of 11 data catalogues and an early analysis was presented  in session 2 followed by extensive breakout discussions of 13 principles of  Data Catalogue metadata exposure and interoperability.


The participants got an overview of EOSC, the EOSCpilot project and the direction and scope of the EOSCpilot data interoperability working group. The presentations, the survey and the discussions contributed with feedback to the group about how data catalogues can contribute to make FAIR data available into EOSC. The overall workshop contributed to define a set of principles that will drive the work of the EOSCpilot data interoperability working group and the recommendations we will proposed for EOSC.


The agenda including links to presentations, raw notes and more specific points raised during the workshop discussion are available in http://tinyurl.com/osf-eosc-datacat



