D3.5: Open Science Policy Toolkit

04 Jul 2018

D3.5: Open Science Policy Toolkit

This report introduces the proposal and scoping for the EOSCpilot Policy Toolkit. The Policy Toolkit is a collection of third-party tools which have been designed to facilitate the development and implementation of Open Science policies by three scientific and academic stakeholders: research producing organisations, funders and (research) ministries, as well as research infrastructures.

Through the toolkit, these users should be able to identify resources which help them to formulate Open Science policies, facilitate their operationalization in line with the EOSC’s policy requirements (as e.g. defined by the EOSC policy recommendations and Rules of Participation), and meet EOSC-specific use cases. The Policy Toolkit is part of WP3’s suite of policy supporting services, complementing the Open Science Monitor (D3.2) and the upcoming Policy registry (D3.4)


- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

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