EOSCpilot Insider #8 - Internal News Bulletin

19 Apr 2018

EOSCpilot Insider #8 - Internal News Bulletin

This week's internal newsletter provides updates on activities carried out by WP3, WP5, WP6 WP7 & WP8. Topics covered include an update of the ongoing work for each WP.

WP3 - Policy

  • T3.1 work: Following the Pisa plenary, efforts have been focussed on D3.3 which is taking shape.  Some delay has been caused by difficulty judging the level the policy recommendations should aim at, and at keeping the recommendations specific to the EOSC.  Current estimate is still that the Deliverable will be two weeks late.
  • T3.2 work: Only two partners are involved in the D3.5 and D3.4 work: ARC and Jisc.  Work is progressing on the Open Science Toolkit (D3.5, due end of June):  landscape review of existing tools in the area of Open Science, identifying gaps and what further could be contributed.  Scope has been agreed; timeline and KPIs are in the process of being agreed.  For the Registry (D3.4, due end of August), the scope is currently being revised slightly, following which a roadmap will be drawn up for the work.  The Jisc Sherpa team will contribute to the work.  Meetings between ARC and JISC are held when necessary for the needs of T3.2 and the planning and setting of milestones for the deliverables.
  • In light of the information below about the GA amendments being split into two batches, please note that T3.2 is working to the new, proposed, timing for D3.4 and D3.5 (as above) and not the original one in the DoW.  The altered timing was agreed some time ago by the Exec and should not be controversial with the EC but if this amendment is not included in the first batch of GA amendments, it’s worth being aware that the first delivery date of end of June is now liable to be close to the timing for the second batch of GA amendments.  T3.2 is working to the amended schedule on the assumption that it will be approved.
  • Glossary work – Elli Papadopoulou (ARC) and Leo Mack (Jisc) are the WP3 appointed representatives
  • FAQs – Elli Papadopoulou (ARC) is the WP3 representative.
  • Dissemination – summaries of D3.1 (Policy Landscape Review) and D3.2 (Open Science Monitor Specifications) have been produced in collaboration with WP8 and posted on the EOSCpilot website.
  • A WP3 face to face meeting was held in Pisa on 8 March, and a regular WP3 All Hands meeting was held by VC on 28 March; T3.1 continues to hold weekly meetings.
  • WP3 is planning involvement in the WP5-6 joint workshop in May.  This will provide an opportunity to begin gathering input from WPs 5 and 6 on the draft policy recommendations in D3.3.
  • Some efforts are being made to reallocate resources amongst the partners in WP3, with the benefit of the Year 1 financial figures.

WP5 - Services

  • Deliverables
    • Progress on 5.3 deliverable: discussion has been solicited on the approach for EOSC Service Management Framework.
    • First discussions on deliverables 5.4 and 5.5 in progress (after evaluation of the Pisa meeting).
  • Workshop preparation
    • Preparations on the upcoming WP5/WP6 workshop. People in WP5 and WP6 and WP leads were notified. Format of the workshop is being established. Web site is published online (help of WP8).
    • Budget question in progress with PO/Brian.
    • Task Lead for 5.2, Jan Bot, will leave SURF. SURF is discussing a successor.

WP6 - EOSC Interoperability

  • D6.5 “Interim Interoperability Testbed report” is due end of this month. Cristina is preparing this document, but I don’t know how advanced it is right now.
  • Work with WP8: preparing to include PiCo2 pilot project in the webpage description, and to summarise the gap analysis (D6.1) on the website.
  • EOSC architecture: preparation for the ‘topical progress workshop on architecture and federated service management in EOSC’ (May 23/24). This will include a common WP5/6 session but also a WP6 internal discussion. 
  • Participation of Genevieve Romier and Eric Fede (both at CC-IN2P3 in Lyon) in glossary team.

WP7 - Skills

  • A WP7 representative attended an ELIXIR training workshop in the Netherlands in early April. Since the focus of the workshop was on competency frameworks, and using these to create courses and curricula we hoped both to ensure that they made use of work done in EOSCPilot and to learn from the attendees on how we might improve EOSCPilot's work in this area. We think both aims were achieved.
  • We've been doing detailed planning on the remaining tasks for D7.3 as well as selecting potential reviewers from within the project. There are some concerns over availability of effort from different partners. Although these can be overcome they may require more formal recording of effort transfer in order to give some degree of security to all involved.
  • We've made initial proposals for collaboration with EOSCHub which have been well received. We're glad to note that they are already making use of work in D7.2 and part of our proposal is to ensure that there is good information flow between the projects as the work in that deliverable is updated. The main focus of the proposal is to describe in more detail how EOSCHub can implement recommendations and utilise frameworks emerging from WP7 work in EOSCPilot, and how our remaining work can be informed by their early experience.

WP8 - Engagement and Communication