Research funding bodies, institutions and research libraries are key stakeholders of the European Open Science Cloud. Funders and institutional policies and mandates are essential drivers of Open Science. Institutions and academic libraries are key stakeholders when it comes to the implementation of such policies and integration into researcher's workflows.
This workshop aims to engage with funding bodies, research libraries, institutions and research-producing organisations at large, to raise awareness of the EOSC amongst these stakeholders and to provide opportunities for them to talk with each other on how to promote alignment across local policies and workflows and EOSC policies, workflows and services.
The workshop builds on the outcome of the workshop “How Research Institutions and Libraries can help deliver the European Open Science Cloud” an event focusing on research libraries and institutions in their role as intermediaries of the EOSC, which was held at the International Digital Curation Conference in Barcelona on 19 February 2018.
This workshop is organised on behalf of the EOSCpilot project to discuss the role of research libraries, academic institutions and other research-performing organisations, as intermediaries between researchers and EOSC service providers and in fostering the uptake of the European Open Science Cloud.
Lille, France, 4 July 2018 at LIBER 2018 Annual Conference
09:00 10:30 |
Funders views on key policies to foster the European Open Science Cloud. Speakers from Wellcome Trust, ZonMw , Science Europe and Jisc will present their views on support for RDM, incentives for libraries and research institutions on data stewardship as well as on researcher assessment and career, EOSC policies and alignment of DMP requirements. |
10:30 11:00 |
Coffee/Tea Break |
11:00 12:00 |
Panel and open debate on Research Institutions and Libraries and the role of Funders in the European Open Science Cloud. Round table with representative of Wellcome Trust, ZonMw , Science Europe, Jisc, European Commission DG-CNECT, The British Library, TUDelft and Ghent University. |
Introduction and presentations of the workshop can be found here