How Research Institutions and Libraries can help deliver the European Open Science Cloud
This EOSC stakeholder event targets research libraries, academic institutions and other research-performing organisations – the key intermediaries between researchers and service providers –. The workshop will start with a set of introduction talks:
- Torsten Reimer, British Library - The role of libraries and institutions in liaising with EOSC service providers in relation to publishing, dissemination and long-term preservation of research data,
- Marta Teperek, Technical University Delft - How libraries and institutions contribute to the EOSC in relation to institutional policies and best practices.
- Karen Vandevelde, University of Gent - Alternative methods of evaluating and rewarding scholars and scholarly communication
After a coffee/tea break the participants will interact with each other and with the speakers in a session to discuss their role as intermediaries in fostering the uptake of the EOSC. The outcome of the workshop will provide input to a second stakholder event organised by the EOSCpilot later in 2018 to engage intermediaries and funding bodies.
The workshop will be held at IDCC18 in Barcelona, registration is open.