WP6 - EOSC Interoperability
- Preparation of the "Topical progress workshop on architecture and federated service management in EOSC”.Here we are going to discuss directly how best to approach the task to produce a consistent and complete architecture outline for the EOSC, covering the aspects of services and of e-infrastructures. Unfortunately, so far only few colleagues have signed up for the meeting, especially WP6 would need stronger participation. We thus encourage colleagues to come forward and to engage in the discussion — preferably at the workshop, but also in the discussions we have via teleconf.
- WP6 is preparing the "Interim Interoperability Testbed report” (D6.5). Some delay of this document, which was due end of April, is caused by difficulties to gather necessary input from contributors. Nevertheless, a draft is ready and we hope to finalise this deliverable within the coming weeks.
- Working with WP8 on a condensed and easy-to-read digest of the gap analysis, which should then be included in the EOSCpilot webpage.