The Value and Challenges of Federated Open Science

10 Nov 2017

The Value and Challenges of Federated Open Science

Chair Name and Organisation

Panellists Names and Organisation

Description of the session

Science Demonstrators play an essential role as early adopters of EOSC from a range of science areas to stimulate the engagement of the science communities and stakeholders in Open Science by building on the expertise of the research infrastructures and their service providers. Their input will be used to drive and prioritise the integration of the EOSC services in a common homogenous platform to meet the functional and non-functional needs of researchers, and to ensure that the proposed technical governance structures provide the guidelines needed by researchers.
In this session, a short overview on the Science Demonstrators active in EOSCpilot is given, followed by contributions of individual Science Demonstrator representatives from different areas related to excellence science, selected use cases and challenges faced.


Focus of the session

  1. What is the excellent science the SD stands for?
  2. What are the main challenges for the SD?
  3. What is the particular use case examined for the EOSC pilot?

Donwload the presentations below