Antonio Laganà

29 Nov 2017

Antonio Laganà

Antonio Laganà
About speaker - Title and Organisation: 
University of Perugia

Director of the Computer Centre (1996-2001) and from 2002 to 2012 Director of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Perugia.

Member of the Board of the Italian Group for Computational Chemistry and of the Interdivisional Group of the Italian Chemical Society (of which he has become first Vicepresident and then President (1994-2000)) starting from their institution. In the year 2002 he was appointed by the Italian Chemical Society as  Italian national representative in the Board of the European Working  Group of Computational Chemistry of FECS (later become Computational Chemistry Division of EUCHEMS) of which he is at present Chairman.


Appointed by the Research Ministry of Italy as national representative at the European COST in Chemistry domain since 1994, he became first Vice-chairman and then Chairman (thanks to which he has been also member of  the ALLCHEME council). He launched in 1999 the Action D23 “Metalaboratories for complex computational applications in Chemistry (2000-05) of which coordinated the working group ELCHEM. After the transfer of COST under the ESF management he was reconfirmed as Italian representative in the CMST (Chemistry and Molecular sciences and technologies) new domain committee.


Coordinator of an IPC from the very first institution of the Erasmus initiative (1987), he represents the University of Perugia at the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) of which he coordinated in the period 1997-2006 the working group “Multimedia for teaching and learning Chemistry” and has been member of the Administrative council, and later on Vice-president and President of the related association (2003-2009). He is at present coordinator of the WG 3 (Sustainable entrepreneurship) of the project EC2E2N 2 and has been coordinator of WG 5 (virtual campus) of the project EC2E2N, of  the WG 12 (development of Echemtest) of the project ECHEMTC and coordinator of the  WGs 8 and 9 (creation and establishment of a European doctorate) of the project PHDCHEM. At present is Chair of the Virtual Education Community of the ECTN Association and  (since 2008) member of the Management Committee of the Joint Research Unit  IGI (Italian Grid Initiative). He is also member of the international committee of the European Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (since 2009 awarded the grant Erasmus mundus).


He is fellow of the Royal Chemical Society of Chemistry, member of the American Chemical society (ACS), of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) and of the Italian Society of Automatic Computing (AICA)

Session time: 
Wednesday, November 29, 2017 - 14:30
Speaker type: 
Speaker Year: