Franco Niccolucci

28 Nov 2017

Franco Niccolucci

About speaker - Title and Organisation: 
Director of the VAST LAB laboratory at PIN, Prato - Science Demonstrator for TextCrowd

Franco Niccolucci director of VAST-LAB at PIN, was professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence until 2008, and later the director of the Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Center of the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia. With a degree in Mathematics, he started working on Cultural Heritage applications in 1996. Since then he has been the scientific coordinator of a number of EU-funded projects. He is currently the coordinator of ARIADNE and PARTHENOS. Within EOSCpilot, he is the PI of the TEXTCROWD Science Demonstrator.




Wednesday, November 21, 2018 - 17:00 - Participation in EOSC: Rules, Obligations, Codes of Conduct and Expectations - Panellist

Thursday, November 22, 2018 - 14:00 - How to Implement the FAIR Data Principles? - Panellist

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