Mark van de Sanden
Mark van de Sanden is the team leader of the Data Services Group at SURFsara, the Dutch national HPC center. After receiving his BSc in computer engineering from the technical college’s Hertogenbosch in 1994, he started working at the National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR).
He joined SARA, former SURFsara, in 1997, as a system programmer to work on supercomputing technology and by early 2000 he became more involved in mass storage infrastructure. In 2006, he became the team leader of the Data Services Group. He is currently working as a system architect and an expert on large scale data infrastructures for a variety of projects including the WLCG project for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), LOFAR Long-term archive, PRACE Data Challenges and EUDAT. In EUDAT, he is currently coordinating the service building activities.