Earth Sciences – Hydrology: Switching on the EOSC for Reproducible Computational Hydrology by FAIRifying eWaterCycle and SWITCH-ON

SD ID: Switching on the EOSC for Reproducible Computational Hydrology by FAIRifying eWaterCycle and SWITCH-ON

Organisations & contacts
Dr. ir. Rolf Hut - Delft University of Technology Dr Niels Drost - Netherlands eScience Center

Dr Berit Arheimer - SMHI Michael R. Crusoe - Common Workflow Language Dr Axel Berg - SURFsara

Dr Sergio Andreozzi - EGI Foundation Dr Lukasz Dutka - CYFRONET

Dr Anton Frank - Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Prof dr. ir. Nick van de Giesen - Delft University of Technology


OVERVIEW: Central to the science of hydrology is the localized nature of the medium through which water flows. The science demonstrator proposal seeks to integrate the top-down approach of the eWaterCycle project with the bottom-up approach of the SWITCH-ON one.


Central to the science of hydrology is the localised nature of the medium through which water flows. This science demonstrator seeks to create a fully FAIR Hydrological forecasting system, combining local and global models.

  • FAIR Output Forecast dataset
  • Fair Software for Hydrological Modelling
  • Fair Workflows for Hydrological modelling on EOSC
  • Community and Outreach


  • create FAIR versions of data required for running the hydrological models
  • FAIR software (source code and