EOSC Governance Layers

The Steering layer determines within its communities best practice, standards, principles of engagement, in effect addressing the recommendations of “Guidance only where guidance is due” and “Define Principles of Engagement5 for service provision in the EOSC” from the HLEG group report (Section 2.2), as well as the scientific and technical requirements of the EOSC.

This forms a discussion and interaction with the Strategic layer, articulates the strategic objectives for the EOSC, and the metrics to measure how well the EOSC delivers against these objectives. This leads to an interaction between the Strategic and Executive layers to determine how the EOSC is provisioned and commissioned to meet these objectives.

Finally, there is be a feedback loop between the Steering and Executive on how well the EOSC is meeting the communities’ needs, standards and practices, and a report back from the Executive to the Strategic layer on how effective the EOSC is meeting the strategy, and how effective the strategic goals are at capturing the real needs of the communities.

EOSC Governance Layers