EOSC Resources Model

The EOSC Resources cover the range of services and facilities needed to support Open Science and Research in terms of technical, middleware, knowledge, access and facilitation services.

Also, some Core Resources will be needed to integrated and enable access to the various resources federated in the EOSC”. The Core Resources will need to be directly commissioned and financially compensated. The Executive should have the primary responsibility, in discussion with the Strategic and Steering layers, to determine the requirements of these core resources, and decide how they will be delivered.

The EOSCPilot is currently co-developing Principles of Engagement with the community, defining Business and Funding Models, as well as developing the technical architecture which will set up the basis to define the resources Compliance and Compatibility with the Principles of Engagement and the technical requirements as defined by the EOSC Technical Architecture, as well as the compensation models for resource provision.
At the current stage, it has been defined that:

  • An EOSC Resource is Compliant if it meets the Principles of Engagement and the technical requirements as defined by the EOSC technical architecture
  • An EOSC Resource is Compatible if it meets the technical requirements as defined by the EOSC technical architecture
  • Some resources which are needed to integrate and enable access to the various resources federated in the EOSC will be Core Resources (which by definition will need to be Compliant)
  • Compliant resources will be eligible to be part of EOSC; resources neither Compliant nor Compatible will be external to EOSC; Compatible only resources might be borderline (if, for instance, they are transitioning into EOSC)
  • EOSC resources (both commercial and non-commercial) might be compensated for their usage via mechanisms within EOSC; some EOSC resources might be funded via other means, including commercial models

EOSC Reseources Model