EOSCpilot at e-IRG workshop 14-15 May 2018

EOSCpilot at e-IRG workshop 14-15 May 2018
14 May 2018

EOSCpilot at e-IRG workshop 14-15 May 2018



The workshop program will be divided in two main parts: In the first part, the HPC ecosystem will be presented, including presentations about HPC-related issues: microelectronics, supercomputer applications, user perspectives, policy issues. Future and Emerging Technologies Initiatives and their HPC/data needs will also be covered.

In the second part, the status of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will be presented, including the EC Implementation Roadmap, major EOSC projects and related data initiatives, along with national views.
The second part will close with a session on European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) opportunities for national e-Infrastructures and European RIs (with emphasis on South Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean countries), bridging nicely with the regional workshop that follows.

The e-IRG workshop will be an excellent opportunity to discuss the current status and perspectives of Pan-European e-Infrastructure initiatives, and to see a clear picture of the achievements and challenges of the countries in the region of SEE and EM.

  • All 4 sessions of the workshop will be in  'Sofia Conference Hall', Floor 2.
  • The registration desk is in the Hotel lobby.


The Open e-IRG Workshop in Sofia on 14-15 May 2018 will take place in Grand Hotel Sofia, 1 Gurko Str 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

  • All 4 sessions of the workshop will be in  'Sofia Conference Hall', Floor 2.
  • The registration desk is in the Hotel lobby.

Agenda | Registration | Logistics