Time for open science skills to count in academic careers!
Who hasn’t heard about Open Science? Open Science is high on the agenda of research funders and academic institutions. Consequently, researchers are asked more and more frequently to manage and share all their research outputs, to make their findings available to the public, to make their publications available open access. But does all the extra effort count in academic careers? How can academic rewards systems better recognise the work to make science open, and encourage researchers to develop the right skills?
In order to change academic rewards system, it is necessary that the skills (or the requirements) that researchers should have at different stages of their careers are defined and agreed upon. This is precisely the goal of this workshop. Its outcomes will provide a useful feedback to EOSCpilot, which is laying the groundwork for skills development in the European Commission’s European Open Science Cloud.
The workshop also responds to the Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) recent recommendations to the EC and other stakeholders on ‘Embedding Open Science’. These include a call for Universities to:
explore how to incorporate openness into training and rewards systems
support advocacy work with researchers at all levels to ensure a recognition of the benefits of an open science approach and of changing the existing assessment, recognition and reward practices
build capacity by investing in and training relevant support staff to work alongside research administrators to help researchers deliver Open Science, so as to ensure availability of the right mixture of skills to support its realisation.
In short, we want to take a step towards aligning open science skills that researchers need at their different career levels, with the skills that data stewards and others need to support them. It is time for Open Science skills to count in academic careers!
What is going to happen?
The event will have an interactive format. After the initial presentations which will set the scene, the participants will split into four groups, each working on different research career stages.
Each group will identify which open science skills are relevant to researchers at their assigned career stages, and how support staff can provide training or assistance for researchers to properly develop and apply those skills.
Who should attend?
Anyone interested in the topic, but in particular researchers (at different career levels), institutional support staff (HR representatives in particular), Open Science trainers and training coordinators, organisations and projects with research careers focus, funders and policy makers.
Programme and Registration
Please visit this link to see the full programme and registration