Sustainable business models

Aug 03 2018

The RCN believes that it is important to implement business models that ensure the long-term sustainability, development and maintenance of well-functioning and demanded services. The report presents the following three models; direct support, pure EOSC voucher and hybrid consisting of a combination of direct funding and EOSC vouchers. The RCN supports an extended hybrid model which also include different types of business models in addition to direct funding and EOSC vouchers. Several infrastructures have however already established business models that combine different sources of income (e.g. direct funding, host funding, contractual funding, application-based funding or some level of membership model/user payment). It is important therefore that well-functioning existing infrastructure should be allowed to retain established funding mechanisms and governance models. As demonstrated by the OECD GSF report "Business models for sustainable research data repositories" there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to designing sustainable business models. Rather, various sources of income may be successfully combined. It is however crucial that all service providers develop a clear business model, and in the EOSC Rules of Participation a requirement for participation should be to demonstrate a sustainable business model. Moreover, it is important to bear in mind that most data providers are not individuals but research groups which often produce data sets as a kind of by-product of fully financed research, and once such data is delivered, the maintenance cost is usually not needed for the data itself but rather for the operation and updating of crucial search and analysis tools. A closer analysis is needed of where the operating and updating costs are really needed in order to allow optimal use and exploitation of the data.