Learned Societies, Research Communities, Scientific and Professional Associations

Learned Societies, Research Communities, Scientific and Professional Associations
22 Feb

Learned Societies, Research Communities, Scientific and Professional Associations

Learned societies, research communities, scientific and professional associations are key allies to build, use and promote the EOSC

Learned societies, research communities, scientific and professional associations are one of the key stakeholder groups the EOSCpilot project is targeting.

The success of the pilot relies in the ability to involve these communities in an effective way, so that they are aware of the possibilities offered by the EOSC in terms of access to infrastructures and services and effectively use them.

The EOSC benefits for learned societies, research communities, scientific and professional associations

The EOSCpilot has much to offer to these communities: it is developing a catalogue of the services that research infrastructures all over Europe make available to support research data science, advance openness and reproducibility, and foster Responsible Research and Innovation. This outcome is particularly relevant to learned societies, research communities and researchers, scientific and professional associations, as it will provide a map that will help researchers communities and societies find those most relevant to them. Moreover, these stakeholders can contribute directly with the services and tools they are eventually providing to their users.

Along with this, the EOSCpilot works to define the skills needed by individuals to enhance their competencies in open data science and stewardship, providing a framework to relate the capabilities needed to use EOSC services to the career development pathways of researchers and support service professions.

In addition to this, the EOSC Governance Development Forum offers a discussion space around the EOSC governance, thus involving in the discussion all the interested stakeholders.
The value proposition for learned societies, research communities, scientific and professional associations is the opportunity to take part in building a digital environment that helps them do research at greater scale and efficiency. The EOSCpilot project will raise awareness regarding the possibilities offered by the EOSC by showcasing a series of Science Demonstrators, illustrating how new services can be built on current research infrastructures, and offering opportunities to engage further with the EOSC activities.

EOSCpilot's contributions

  • Provide an opportunity to influence and be part of the governance of the future EOSC.

You are member of a learned society, research community, or scientific or professional association? Here are ways to learn more about the EOSC and contribute to its shaping.