National, Regional or Local Government Agencies
Hand in hand with Government Agencies, the EOSC promotes Open Science adoption
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will offer Europe's researchers and science and technology professionals a virtual environment to store, share and reuse the large volumes of information generated by the big data revolution. EOSC, as a functional embodiment of the European Cloud Initiative, will support data-driven innovation and contribute to the creation of a Digital Single Market in Europe. Science and industry will obviously benefit from these developments. Also public authorities and government agencies, specifically in their capacity as organisations performing and using research, shall be able to fully exploit the possibilities around Big Data as EOSC will allow them to move, share and reuse data seamlessly across European borders, among institutions and analytical facilities and between different research and data disciplines. The EOSCpilot project, in which 33 partners are working together, is supporting the first phase (for two years) in the development of the European Open Science Cloud.
Government agencies are key-players when it comes to national, European and international applied research and the infrastructures to share and disseminate the related data and knowledge. Typically their research carries a strong societal or economic perspective and is often multilayered. Examples are environmental, public health, logistics or welfare monitoring research projects, taking place and calculated at geographic dimensions such as cities, regions, countries and continents. Increasingly this type of research is data-driven as novel monitoring technologies, discipline wide, create vast amounts of new data.
In most cases, data from government agencies are well structured and research infrastructures well developed. This is necessary, as data and research are often underpinning far reaching political decisions and legal implementations. However, in the changing and fast growing data-landscape EOSC is focusing on, there are great opportunities for government agencies that allow for a more efficient and cooperative way of working.
The EOSC benefits for Government agencies
The added-value of engaging with EOSC related activities for National, Regional or Local Government Agencies.
- Within EOSC more efficient storage and computing facilities can be utilized for existing facilities, within EOSCpilot the needs and opportunities for this shall be probed.
- The EOSC acts as a catalyst for the coordination and interoperation of existing monitoring and survey networks, both at a technical as well as an organisational level.
- EOSCpilot will be the place where cross disciplinary pilots can be established, focussing on an increased interoperability between European monitoring networks. Take the example of environment and health data in the ENHIS project. Thus the EOSC provides opportunities for greater innovation, cross-fertilisation and discovery.
- Through operating in EOSC, national, regional and local government agencies will be able to better standardise their data and infrastructures and consequently provide standardised services to European citizens and decision makers.
- EOSC is well equipped to provide an easy to customise environment for new and emerging data types used in monitoring programmes, i.e. social media data or data from mobile devices.
- EOSC will allow for Increased coordination and harmonization of services that are relevant to most agencies, such as detailed geo services.
- Ultimately EOSC will offer a one-stop-shop for researchers to access data from government agencies.
EOSCpilot's contributions
Engagement in the EOSCpilot project activities will provide National, Regional or Local Government Agencies with the opportunity to:
- Learn about problems experienced and solutions found in other stakeholder groups within EOSCpilot.
- Bid to perform pilot activities as part of developing the EOSC.
- Be part of the organisation that works on the interoperability of data and data infrastructures in Europe.
- Contribute in the definition and setup of the EOSC governance and policies, as well as provide input to its architecture and services.
- Influence and be part of the governance of the future EOSC.
- Support sustainability of the EOSC, oversee its service provisioning and relevant business models.
- Provide input and reality checks when it concerns data - technology - citizens interactions.
Are you a representative of a National, Regional or Local Government Agency?
First of all, we would like to get to know you and hear from you how you support Open Science. Here are some concrete ways to learn more about the EOSC and contribute to its shaping.
- See the EOSCpilot's policy outputs by visiting the Policy Theme page.
- See the outputs of the 1st EOSC Stakeholder Forum in Brussels, Belgium, on 28-29 Nov 2017. All stakeholders gathered to discuss and share their views on the foundations of the EOSC.
- Participate in the EOSCpilot Governance Development Forum (EGDF) and join their thematic workshops.
- The first EGDF workshop will take place on October 2-3 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia, and will work on "Drafting Governance Framework and Principles of Engagement for European Open Science Cloud".
- Follow EOSCpilot on social media: