Comments on behalf of YERUN (Young European Research Universities Network)

Aug 05 2018

From the Young European Research Universities we would like to remind the comments we did in the EOSC 2017 summit (June, 12 2017).  

  • - EOSC is still very intangible for many researchers ("a giant with clay feet").
  • - EOSC has to avoid the "Enlightened Despotism of Science": all for the researcher, but without the researcher.
  • - FAIR are principles, not standards. We need STANDARDS to make EOSC happen. FAIR is about metadata, identifiers, interoperability... and other things that are very much apart from the day by day of a researcher.
  • - If we want EOSC to be useful and trustable, used by all researcher, from all disciplines “in one single click”, by default,...  Incentives around EOSC are needed, but also "seduction". EOSC must be appealing, it needs to be for researchers like whatsapp: useful, easy, affordable and very effective.

To reach all this, we want to underline the importance of our commitments on the EOSC declaration as members of the "coalition of doers" related to skills and training and the Implementation of FAIR principles.

  • - Skills - Researchers, mainly Early Career Researchers need training to take the most of EOSC and also to be confident with the system, services and governance. RPOs need support to train their researchers but also support staff that should be not only research data stewards but also, research data confidents.
  • - Implementation & transition to FAIR - FAIR is a very fortunate acronym used and abused, but not all the researchers are capable to understand the real meaning of a set of principles. Two main actions are needed:
    • To have an easy 'toolkit' to 'FAIRIfy' research data.
    • To have indicators to assess the "FAIRness" and use them to reward researchers.

Finally, EOSC must not be an isolated infrastructure; it shall be interoperable with other OpenData infrastructures, inside and outside Europe. For example, in the realm of  PSI (Public Sector Information) reuse for research: not only technical interoperability is needed but also political interoperability between EOSC and EU OpenData portal.