EOSCpilot WP7 helps implement recommendations on training and support

Aug 06 2018

EOSCpilot WP7 contributes to implementation of the training and support recommendation by providing a Skills Framework. This offers organisations and individuals a set of core competences for data stewardship, relating topics to recommended expertise levels for researchers and the professional groups that support them. The topics are aligned with the Open Science Career Assessment Matrix for researchers created by the OSPP Working Group on Rewards.

Implementation of the recommendation on training and support requires action in a number of areas on which the EOSCpilot WP7 is consulting with training providers. These areas include:

  • The content and form of a Skills Framework to identify skills that organisations and individuals need to make research objects FAIR, and to operate and use the services offered to help them conduct open science. 
  • Rules of engagement for the delivery of training within the EOSC, Including:
    • how training providers will ensure that training events and learning resources are findable and accessible to the appropriate audiences
    • how service providers will support the acquisition of skills needed to use their service, e.g. by identifying what those skills are, and by identifying relevant events or learning resources
    • badging or certification mechanisms to recognise the delivery and acquisition of relevant skills through training and other support measures.

Training needs to be coupled with support for other forms of skills acquisition, for example skills transferred through direct experience gained in staff exchanges, placements, and mentoring.

Skill requirements may be expected to change and evolve in tandem with open science methods and norms. The EOSC will therefore need an appropriate level of monitoring of skills development, to identify gaps in training content and the capacity of providers to deliver the appropriate training and support. EOSCpilot WP7 will offer recommendations on the level of monitoring that stakeholders consider appropriate. This will include recommendations on the applicability of FAIR principles to training and learning resources.