
Workshop: RIs and Libraries and the role of Funders in the EOSC

The EOSCpilot Workshop "Research Institutions And Libraries And The Role Of Funders In The European Open Science Cloud" took place on July 4th, 2018 in Lille, during the 46th Annual LIBER Conference. Video produced by LIBER.


Maximising the value of research outputs: Wellcome’s perspective

The EOSCpilot Workshop "Research Institutions And Libraries And The Role Of Funders In The European Open Science Cloud" took place on July 4th, 2018 in Lille, during the 46th Annual LIBER Conference. Video produced by LIBER.


EOSCpilot WP3 Draft Policy Recommendations

The EOSCpilot Workshop "Research Institutions And Libraries And The Role Of Funders In The European Open Science Cloud" took place on July 4th, 2018 in Lille, during the 46th Annual LIBER Conference.
Video produced by LIBER.


A closer look into the VisualMedia Science Demonstrator in EOSCpilot

In this video interview Roberto Scopigno, Research Director at the Instutute for Computer Science and Technologies (ISTI-CNR) in Pisa, talks about the progress of the VisualMedia Science Demonstrator in the EOSCpilot project.


The demonstrator concerns the visualization of large, complex media files which are usuallly produced by people working on cultural heritage.


The video was recorded at the "EOSCpilot All Hand Meeting" in Pisa, 8-9 March 2018.


Video created and edited by Göttingen University.


EOSC as a ‘skills commons’ for developing research data stewardship skills at scale

Angus Whyte, DCC, on the workshop "EOSC as a ‘skills commons’ for developing research data stewardship skills at scale" that took place during the IDCC18 Conference in February 2018 in Barcelona.


Video created and edited by LIBER Europe.


FAIR Training - What could it encompass, how could EOSC support it?

"FAIR Training - What could it encompass, how could EOSC support it?", Ellen Leenarts, DANS.


The workshop "EOSC as a ‘skills commons’ for developing research data stewardship skills at scale" took place during the IDCC18 Conference in February 2018 in Barcelona.


Video created and edited by LIBER Europe.


Ellen Verbakel on Data Stewardship at 4TU

Data Stewardship at 4TU - Ellen Verbakel,TU Delft.


The workshop "EOSC as a ‘skills commons’ for developing research data stewardship skills at scale" took place during the IDCC18 Conference in February 2018 in Barcelona.


Video created and edited by LIBER Europe.


How Research Institutions and Libraries can help deliver the EOSC

The workshop "How Research Institutions and Libraries can help deliver the European Open Science Cloud" took place during the IDCC18 Conference in February 2018 in Barcelona.


The video features the views of workshop participants and a summary by the main organiser Valentino Cavalli, LIBER.


Video created and edited by LIBER Europe.


How libraries and RIs can contribute to the EOSC policies & best practices

"How libraries and institutions contribute to the EOSC in relation to institutional policies and best practices", Marta Teperek, Technical University Delft.


The workshop "How Research Institutions and Libraries can help deliver the European Open Science Cloud" took place during the IDCC18 Conference in February 2018 in Barcelona.


Video created and edited by LIBER Europe.


How research libraries and institutions are connecting as intermediaries in EOSC

"The role of libraries and institutions in liaising with EOSC service providers in relation to publishing, dissemination and long-term preservation of research data", Torsten Reimer, British Library.


The workshop "How Research Institutions and Libraries can help deliver the European Open Science Cloud" took place during the IDCC18 Conference in February 2018 in Barcelona.


Video created and edited by LIBER Europe.

