Which Rules of Participation for EOSC?

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Where is the feedback mechanism from the Scientific Community?

In the governance and engagement structure of the EOSC laid out here https://bit.ly/2MpPQWB, it is very unclear how the EOSC is going to actually monitor its scientfic impact and relevance. The selection of a board appears to be in a similar manner to existing infrastructure governance models and this greatly risks I highly insulated and self satisficing system. The EOSC in this way services the European Infrastructures and not science. These two things are assumed to be in alignment, when in reality they are not.

EOSCpilot WP7 helps implement recommendations on training and support

EOSCpilot WP7 contributes to implementation of the training and support recommendation by providing a Skills Framework. This offers organisations and individuals a set of core competences for data stewardship, relating topics to recommended expertise levels for researchers and the professional groups that support them. The topics are aligned with the Open Science Career Assessment Matrix for researchers created by the OSPP Working Group on Rewards.

Comment on behalf of FREYA project

The FREYA project (www.project-freya.eu) is building a robust environment for Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) into a core component of European and global research e-infrastructures, providing an essential building block of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Moreover, and equally importantly, the FREYA project will establish an open, sustainable, and trusted framework for collaborative self-governance of PIDs and services built on them.

EOSC-hub Requirements and Recommendations on RoPs for EOSC Service Providers

The EINFRA-12 EOSC-hub consortium prepared a set of requirements and recommendations focusing on the Rules of Participation for EOSC Service Providers. Such requirements and recommendations  leverage the experience of tens of e-Infrastructures and Research Infrastructures, and they will be piloted in a production environment by applying them to the services in the European Open Science Cloud EOSC-hub catalogue to be considered production, be exposed to the users, and to be integrated with the EOSC-hub operations infrastructure.

Rules of engagement should enforce open APIs and interchange standards

Software Sustainability Institute:

Rules of engagement should enforce open APIs and interchange standards that allows a thriving ecosystem of infrastructure (to support FAIR, and to support general researcher use of EOSC). Whilst building capabilities in existing e-Infrastructures is welcomed, this should not be a way to lock-in users either through omission or plan.

We do not agree that the API contraint stifles innovation and we do not agree that the API contraint should be relaxed for early entrants into the EOSC.
